Unfortunately society dictates what is glamorous.
Unfortunately a "normal" weight doesn't always fit that bill.
Last night while flipping through the channels, I landed on the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. Gross!
(if you look closely at the contents on the box above, you will notice it is actually possible to see most of the models' internal organs through their gaunt, stretched skin that if unzipped could easily fit a healthy 8 year old)
EW.com (which coincidentally stands for Entertainment Weekly but I think is appropriate in this case as "ew!") reviewed the event complete with clips from the evening affair. I thought some of the comments were TERRIFIC so I wanted to share them here:
"mac" said:
The fact that people watch this display pretty much seals the fact that civilization is more or less on the same level as barbarians of thousands of years ago. More than the fact that it offensive to anyone with a conscience, its actually pretty stupid too.
"voice of reason" said:
This just in… Books still exist, and unlike this display of unapologetic garbage, they can still have a positive impact on society. If people stopped shopping there and actually watching this sad excuse for entertainment, it really would go away.
And we wonder why girls HATE the bodies they are in? I can honestly say I will NEVER purchase ANYTHING from this store. I believe it is partially responsible for the BODY DYSMORPHIC issues girls are trudging through!
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a serious issue!
What makes the beautiful reflection in this mirror unappealing for you?
Since when is "healthy" unattractive?
This is so sad.
Be aware of websites that continually support eating disorders. These websites are "how to" libraries and message boards for anorexics, bulemics and those wanting to "train with the best." The best? More like training with the DEAD... because
MANY who struggle with eating disorders are covered with 6 feet of dirt before they exit their "glorious" teen years!
@teenvoices has an awesome
interview with Megan Craysord-Noble, a 17 year old from England who formed the
Fight to Live Campaign to raise awareness of eating disorders and as a response to those pro-ana and pro-mia websites that showcase Anorexia and Bulemia as a lifestyle choice!
I won't even leave links to these sometimes hard to find sites. 'Power in numbers' and 'misery loves company' breathes life into these illness-infatuated sites and they are inhabited with girls who need
help to heal not assitance in mass suicide.
Eating disorders are INCREDIBLY curable. I am living proof! I totally "get" the photo above... difference is, what I used to think was beautiful (the skin and bones) is now nauseating and what I thought was nauseating (the healthy reflection) is now beautiful!
If you are struggling to see yourself in a healthy way - there are alot of places to go for help!
Healthy Place
All About Life Challenges
You were created to be vibrant, to breed strength, to change the world! You can't do that with your finger down your throat.
Grab a marker and head to the nearest mirror. Write words of affirmation all around the halo of your reflection. Things that you ARE, not things you want to BE.
good friend, animal lover, reader, artist, singer, caring, supportive, good listener, friendly, giving, motivated, athletic, etc.
Let THESE things define you! Let those words there...and SEE them as a PART of you everytime you glance in the mirror. THOSE internal things are what make you who you ARE! Not a stupid number on a scale! You are loved!
And as always, I am here for you to chat, vent, whatever you need. Don't give up. Promise me you won't give up!
Check out this book for a slap in the face honest life of Lia, someone who suffers like many of us who struggle with self-image.